Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Special Section: A Discussion

I want to hear from you…

Tell us what you love about the men in your life. You may write about your spouse, father, brother, son, or friend.


  1. The men in my life have been strong, determined and focused--always in the trenches for their families--always involved in their family's lives. My grandfather was an active leader in the community and always had time for his grandchildren; my brother whom I referred to as "straight arrow" has always been consistent and focused. Last is my son (whom my mother calls "bear")--stands tall and roars to protect his family, and has an inner peace and sensitivity for his friends and family.

  2. Congratulations on the new website! Looks great!
    Men in my life... Dad: someone whom I can always count on. Full of advice and always ecouraged me to seek knowledge as Knowledge is Power.
    Brother : he is like a son to me as he is so much younger but he always surprises me by his mature beyond his years approach.
    Husband: marriage is always a work in progress and I am lucky to be 'working' with a caring, sensitive And dependable man!
    Son: challenging but such a joy!
    I am a blessed person. Thank you for making me count just a few of my blessings!

  3. When you feel like giving up. Remind yourself why you held on for so long.

  4. Hi,

    Men are wonderful but definitely different then us ladies. Just like with any relationship in life it takes time, effort and patience to grow that relationship. If you have the right man in your life its definitely worth the effort.

  5. What I love most about the men in my life is that their love is unconditional and they are never at a lose for some strong "words of wisdom". It began with my Father 41 years ago, who has always focused on the positive when I tried to be "a victim". Today, I am blessed to have married a man who continues the tradition of a positive perspective. He inspires me with his "never quit" spirit. The men I cherish most in my life have made it richer, happier and always positive and I love them for it.
