Monday, February 27, 2012

*Encouragement *Events *Quotes *Parenting *Thank You

Encouragement For Us All To Grow And Go Forward

Do one thing in as many areas in your life as you can to make you a better YOU. Then look around you and do one thing for someone else.

 For Self-
 a. Spiritually-Strive to be peaceful
 b. Financially- Give to charity
 c. Intellectually- Converse  with people who make you think
 d. Mentally- Be aware of your negative thoughts  and choose to change them
 e. Emotionally- Learn to  bring yourself back in balance
 f. Physically/nutritionally- Increase your time spent exercising add one additional health food to your diet
 g. Socially- go somewhere completely different  to meet people you would normally not meet
 h. Personal goals- treat yourself to a positive experience
  i. Professional goals- remember you have value and since you give your best to not settle for less respect that you deserve.

Give To Others- your time, knowledge, assistance, kindness-
a. Volunteer 
b. Make eye contact, greet people with a smile


Tour of San Pasqual Academy – The first-in-the-nation residential education campus designed specifically for foster teens. The Academy is located in Escondido, CA and provides foster teens with a stable, caring home, a quality, individualized education, and the skills needed for independent living. The Academy opened in October 2001 and currently has a bed capacity for 184 youth. The 238-acre campus features individual family-style homes, an on-site, accredited high school, and a computer for each youth in the homes, a cafeteria, a technology and career information center, an assembly hall, recreation fields, and a swimming pool. Teens live and learn at the Academy as they prepare for college and/or a career path.

We all have something we can offer that others can benefit from. The teenagers at this academy will benefit from the actions of people showing that they care.

1. Join me if you want to- catch me if you can because I am on the move.
2. Whenever someone tells you a goal is impossible...look them straight in the eye and say…Don't tell me it’s impossible until after I've already done it.
3. Understand that what looks like a dark patch in the quest for success is the universe pointing you in a new direction


 Supporting Each Other/Children-Talented and Wonderful
1. Organization promoting healthy families
2.  Our children-Talented and Wonderful
Julian Pavone

Thank You!!!

 Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  I want to say thank you clients, friends, and family for adding to my life in the ways that you continue to do.

 I want to say a special thanks to my children for putting into practice the principles you know are right and for making good decisions.

I would like to say a special thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate men  this month by leaving wonderful comments about what you love about the men in your lives. The comments are great!

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