Sunday, March 25, 2012

*Encouragement * Events* Quotes* Poetry* Parenting* Thank You*

Encouragement For Us All To Grow And Go Forward

Do one thing in as many areas in your life as you can to make you a better YOU. Then look around you and do one thing for someone else.

 For Self-
 a. Spiritually- check your moral compass
 b. Financially- plan and follow through
 c. Intellectually- take a class
 d. Mentally- imagine
 e. Emotionally- control your anger
 f. Physically/nutritionally- do one new thing for your health
 g. Socially- go on a date
 h. Personal goals- reward yourself for the goals you have accomplished
  i. Professional goals- set new ones

Give To Others- your time, knowledge, assistance, kindness-
a. Volunteer at a new place.
b. Help a teacher.


Support the Arts
Performing Arts and Museums

1. Stagnation is to exist-live and thrive
2. No matter what you accumulate in life always stay the same because you can come down much faster than you went up.
3.  Your best helping hand is at the end of your arm.


 Supporting Each Other/Children-Talented and Wonderful
1. Supporting Each Other-
2.  Our children-Talented and Wonderful -

Thank You!!!

 Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  I want to say thank you clients, friends, and family for adding to my life in the ways that you continue to do.

 I want to say a special thanks to my children for putting into practice the principles you know are right and for making good decisions.

I would like to say a special thanks to: Dina

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